3 Colors You Must Try On Your Braids This Summer
How To and Tips, colors Vanessa Charles How To and Tips, colors Vanessa Charles

3 Colors You Must Try On Your Braids This Summer

Whether you’ve already tried a braiding style that you love and you want to give it a twist, or even if it’s your first time getting braids, a great idea for better enjoying your summer holidays in San Juan, Puerto Rico is adding a touch of color to your new braids. In this article, I’ll tell you about my top 3 favorite colors and why so many of my clients love them as well.

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Featured Hairstyle: Two Braids
Two braids, hairstyles maruarg86 . Two braids, hairstyles maruarg86 .

Featured Hairstyle: Two Braids

The two braids are also called pigtails or twin tails. They are also called boxer braids since this hairstyle is the usual choice for women who practice this sport. It’s a versatile way of styling your hair that according to its many different variants goes well on different occasions, such as working out, going to the office, or going on a date. 

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