5 Reasons I Switched to a Solid Shampoo Bar—And Why You Should Try It Too!
Have you ever tried solid shampoo? For me, it was a total game-changer! And no, in case you’re wondering, I don’t sell them for a living, it’s just that whenever I see such a great product I feel the urge to recommend it. Here I tell you some reasons why you should give solid shampoo an opportunity.

Hair Products: What Do They Do and Why Should I Care?
Throughout my journey as a braider, I have come across people of all different levels of literacy when it comes to hair products. I have clients who know so little about hair products that I have heard them confess to using body lotion or soap to wash their hair. I dedicate this post to them about what hair care products are and what they can do for our hair.

Products for braids lovers ❤️
Creating braids that look amazing is only a part of the braiding process. Another important part revolves around the products your braider uses. Here is a list of products you should bring to your braiding session or make sure your braider has.

My Hair Nightmare Story
Since I’m a kid I've been paranoid of other people doing my hair. That’s how I started braiding my own hair when I was only 8 years old. Ever since childhood, I've been very skeptical of who I trust with my hair so I always style the hair myself: I can do my own box braids, I can straighten my hair, do hair treatments, and even trim my own ends. I don’t like people touching my hair, period! I only wish I had remembered that lesson.