5 Reasons I Switched to a Solid Shampoo Bar—And Why You Should Try It Too!
Have you ever tried solid shampoo? For me, it was a total game-changer! And no, in case you’re wondering, I don’t sell them for a living, it’s just that whenever I see such a great product I feel the urge to recommend it. Here I tell you some reasons why you should give solid shampoo an opportunity.

Hair Products: What Do They Do and Why Should I Care?
Throughout my journey as a braider, I have come across people of all different levels of literacy when it comes to hair products. I have clients who know so little about hair products that I have heard them confess to using body lotion or soap to wash their hair. I dedicate this post to them about what hair care products are and what they can do for our hair.

Products for braids lovers ❤️
Creating braids that look amazing is only a part of the braiding process. Another important part revolves around the products your braider uses. Here is a list of products you should bring to your braiding session or make sure your braider has.

Box Braids vs Cornrows
While there’s a huge variety of hairstyles to try on, box braids and cornrows are definitely among the most popular ones. Both men and women alike choose these hairstyles to protect their hair and enjoy the beach during their summer vacations. If you are not sure which style is best for you, in this article we’ll compare them so you can see their pros and cons.

Your Braider’s Energy
The act of braiding is an intimate process where you possibly spend hours with your hair braider to get the beautiful hairstyle you want to wear. I’m very sensitive to energy and if you are anything like me you may feel overwhelmed, happy, or even exhausted because of the energy of others. I know you will not always find a sweet and gentle braider so I wrote this article with two goals in mind: Help you find a braider that is caring and loving to your hair and has positive sweet vibes and help you navigate through any weird or bad energy you may encounter during your hair braiding appointment.

5 Reasons Why Men Should Get Cornrows
In Sunny Braids, we offer men all kinds of braiding services, but as a professional stylist, today I want to recommend cornrows, also known as cane rows. Here are the top five reasons why you should definitely try this braiding style!
3 Things You Should Know About Your Braider
Here I’ll tell you three important things you should know about your braider before putting your hair in their hands. After all, your braids are likely to stay with you for several weeks, so you want to be sure you end up with a style you absolutely love.

Featured Hairstyle: Two Braids
The two braids are also called pigtails or twin tails. They are also called boxer braids since this hairstyle is the usual choice for women who practice this sport. It’s a versatile way of styling your hair that according to its many different variants goes well on different occasions, such as working out, going to the office, or going on a date.

Bye-bye Braids: How To Remove Your Box Braids
You can use your fingers or a braiding comb to unravel each braid. Follow any of these three easy methods for undoing your box braids.